Monday, May 7, 2012


Last night I thought of the idea of making my monologue into a mini-film. I realized that it would be much easier to put subtitles on this than live. Also I could make it more understandable using the silent actions in a film. At this point in the play, Adela is sneaking out to go see Pepe el Romano but Martirio catches her in the act. Martirio scolds her and tells her to stop fooling around with Pepe el Romano because he is getting married to their older sister Angustias who is uglier and much older but has the most dowry to give to Pepe el Romano. As a seperate complication Martirio also is in love with Pepe el Romano but no one knows this. Finally all the girls feel the incredible riegn of terror of living under the control of their mother Bernarda who has recently been given the power of being the head of the family because her husband and the girls' father recently died....

As much as this information is helpful in understanding the monologue, it is not neccesary. For this movie I want to show Adela, myself, sneaking out of the house and being caught by Martirio. In this way the sense of anger that Adela has towards Martirio for taking away what she wanted is somewhat shown. It may seem Adela is only fantasizing over a boy and being a silly girl, but in reality being with Pepe el Romano meant leaving behind all her feelings of captivitiy and lonesomeness in being controlled by her mother and the societial beliefs. In a way this reminds me of my mother. The most fun she had in her life was when she was first married to my dad. In those first few years she was finally truly free of her parents, their household and their restrictions or guidance. She had her own job, her own home, her own decisions to make. This idea of going from your parents home to living with a husband was seen as the only way to becoming an adult. There was no living on your own, especially for a woman. This is probably why Adela was feeling so infuriated by everyone: Angustias, her mother, society, her sisters, for letting them all take away her chance of freedom. Adela would not let this happen which is why she snuck out to see Pepe el Romano and was thinking to devote herself to him. She was in love with what the future with him meant for her. Because of this it is not hard to see why she would commit suicide at the end of the play, when she found out he was killed.

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