Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Potential Projections

About to ask mom for something for sucking up
Making friends and talking to someone in a new school (nysssa/college/ lifeguarding) for fear/ wanting everything to go as planned- do not want to say anything stupid
Think the person knows my secret for inquiry
Waiting for my friend to realize she needs to leave but don't want to tell her
Wanting to make conversation because I don't want to be left waiting for my ride alone
Feel like the person is secretly judging me in every way
See the person as the ugliest, most disgusting, smelly kid every that I must talk to in order to get a good grade because the teacher is watching
Trying to make the person laugh, but not think I'm too weird because he is my biggest crush/ want him to have a crush on me
Standing up for myself against my Mom without "talking back"
Standing up for myself against someone who will take it as a joke.
Standing up for myself against the worst enemy, thinks she's the shit 11th grade little bitch whore.
Prepping to tell my boss I can't work for the 4th day in a row.

Telling my brother I accidentally killed, injured or lost his hamster.
Talking to my grandmother (living) for the last time
Talking to my grandmother  (dead) once again for the last time.
Helping a crying kid with a minor injury that is clearly exaggerating at the pool
Helping a crying kid with a major injury at the pool
Talking to an incredibly annoying patron but would rather talk to them to get the time to pass
Talking to an incredibly creepy patron and just wanting it to end
Talking to a mob of patrons going against you calling you a stupid lifeguard saying you don't do your job.
Miss America.

1 comment:

  1. OK! NOw THIS is COOKING! THis is all emotionational and i can see much of it in my head. THis is excellent.

    I enjoy our acting conversations. We need to get working on your monologues.
