Friday, September 9, 2011


I can almost see myself reflecting back to this day later on in the year. Making a mural that I will see everyday for the rest of my high school life.  It was a nice way to begin my second year of STAC and semi-disentangle my senior year status in life. Because we already worked on core values and issues a bit last year, I was not hesitant on what to write. I simply allowed everything to flow out. The only reason I restricted myself was for STAC publicity executive decisions, but that did not hinder myself from knowing the truth for myself even if everyone else can't see it. Most of the words came from my subconscious and after looking at them and considering them more deeply I realized defining characteristics about myself in the moment. Last year I was in an incredibly different and more vulnerable state than this year. This year I am vulnerable but in a confident way. I also feel more calm throughout the day. Perhaps it is the effect of having off periods and being a senior in a school I am familiar with. I am excited to be able to track my progress and change throughout the year by looking back on my beginning year defining words. 


  1. "Last year I was in an incredibly different and more vulnerable state than this year. This year I am vulnerable but in a confident way."

    Hmm... is it that last year you were scared to be vulnerable, and this year, you're proud to be vulnerable?

    This is essential to your acting.

  2. The most confident of people are not those that hide their insecurities, but those who flaunt their flaws. In fact, I wouldn't even call them flaws. I'd call them differences.

    When a person learns to accept the way they are, they loose their boundaries and are able to accomplish incredible things because they no longer live with fear.

    You're on your way there.

  3. It's great to do an activity that makes you realized how much you've changed and how much you've grown. Especially when you realize that the part of you thats grown has helped you to become stronger. Strong enough not to care if others cant see your change.

  4. "I was not hesitant on what to write. I simply allowed everything to flow out."
    "This year I am vulnerable but in a confident way."

    It seems to me like these two ideas are related - in fact they may just be the same exact thing. You're vulnerable (you're letting the whole school see your thoughts) but you're confident (you don't spend time second guessing or hiding these thoughts). Luke had mentioned that you could see peoples personalities through their section of the web. According to this post you can see their personalities through the way they work on the web as well.

    And as some one who knows you closely, I'm extremely happy for you. You seem a thousand times happier than you did this time last year. Every time I look at you now, you're floating.

  5. It's so true - Viviana kind of floats around all beautiful and smart these days, doesn't she? Like a goddess.
