Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Workshops 2- First Day of Mime

Today was pretty cool. I was amazed at the fact that we were able to learn so many mime movements in such a short time and actually get them to look like something. We worked mainly on creating a scene. In this way we connected acting and the theatre into miming to an incredible extent. Miming requires acting and acting requires miming. In miming we have to imagine an invisible world and acting there is an invisible world but the audience doesn't really see it through movement but rather through the words and the way things are acted. What I like about miming is that there is a sense of a definite way to do things which in a way makes things easier to learn quickly. If the movement cannot be determined by the audience then it is not being done right. Of course the challenge is to do more interesting and in some cases funnier things. One of the main things we got from today's lesson was that most of physical comedy and the miming performance is done with the face. This concept is already known to me in the form of acting by keeping one's body and face towards the audience and from singing in that the face and mouth always has to be facing the audience in order to resonate better. All in all, I am excited to learn more because we did so much on the first day I wonder what Gregg has in store for the next two weeks!

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